The Urban Hound Inc. - Dog walking and pet sitting services in Boston, Massachusets
Now offering 30 minute solo training walks and puppy training with our certified dog trainers! Register today!    (617) 755 5775
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Shane is a whirlwind force of multi-media creative energy. He is a founding member of the Whitehaus Family Record--an artist collective/record label/venue based in Jamaica Plain that organizes all-ages DIY events around the city. He also performs and records music under the moniker, "Many Mansions." Shane has worked for the Urban Hound for over a year, however, his love for dogs stretches back to his earliest childhood memories, when he would ride his golden retriever, Alex, like a horse. He hopes to continue making doggie friends while working for the Urban Hound.



The Urban Hound Inc. - Dog walking and pet sitting services in Boston, Massachusets